
"There's something wonderful about reviews. All of them are eventually forgotten by the readers, but I
keep the good ones, and from the others I only take the better lines. This is, in fact, a very creative and enjoyable editing job..."
"Porat offers something fresh, direct and multidisciplinary"
"I think it’s important to understand that what’s left of a nation at the end of the day is its
culture and art. I once commented to our Minister of Education and Culture Limor Livnat that no one remembers who
the politicians and rulers were in Bach and Michelangelo’s days, but that their works have survived."
By Smadar Hirsch
Photos: Yuval Chen
"Atmosphere", El Al Magazine, October 2004
"What Porat promises is anything but predictability"
"...A lot of entertainment in Israel caters to the lowest common denominator," says Porat. "What we want to
do here is bring culture [to children] in an entertaining way that isn't dumbed-down and superficial."
"...With this being the fourth successful year of the Holon Children's Music and Theater Arts Festival, and with a budget of over
NIS 900,000, it seems that Porat has succeeded in finding a receptive audience for his musical philosophy."
By Atira Winchester
The Jerusalem Post
October 3, 2004
"...a soul-rejoicing reward..."
"...Altogether this virtually Israeli production, rising out of what too often seems a wasteland of commercialized
theater, In a soul-rejoicing reward and a reminder that from time to time, a work of a genius is hibernating in the debris and the dross."
By Naomi Doudai
The Jerusalem Post
June 6, 1999
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